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Rajkot, Gujarat, India Importer
HBLF Verified verified 5  
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Rajkot ,Gujarat ,India Importer
HBLF Verified verified 3.9

Management & Company Details

KENTRA Is One of the leading manufacturer in India. We are dedicated to offering premium quality products at economical prices using modern technologies to practice most efficiently. Our product range is hug our erudite and skilled professionals do thorough research in the market to produce these products under the set industry standards.

Company Name Kentra Hardware Pr..more
Kentra Hardware Private Limited
Interested in channel Distributor Channe..more
Distributor Channel
Management System Certification Yes
Year Established 2024
Number of Employees 01-50
Business Category Importer
Company Turnover 10 lac / 1 Mn to 0..more
10 lac / 1 Mn to 01 Cr / 10 Mn

Trade Capacity

This section will display the strength of the supplier company’s international and domestic trade strength. Get to know all about the company's national as well as international networking facilities and thus create a clear picture.

Working Channel Network Distributor Channe..more
Distributor Channel
Average Lead Time After Order Confirmation 3 Days
Number Of Trading Staff 01-50
Domestic Network Delhi, Gujarat, Madh..more
Delhi, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh
Terms Of Payments 100% Advance Payme..more
100% Advance Payment

Import Details

This section displays the import size of the supplier’s company and all relevant details of imports from the supplier. The product listing of the entire import range with explicit details is mentioned here!

Number of Container Imported 10
Main Import Products Hardware
IEC Code (Importer-Exporter Code) 3657****
OEM Import Products Hardware
No. of R&D Staff 01-50
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