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New Delhi, Delhi, India Manufacturer, Exporter, OEM Company
HBLF Verified verified 5  
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New Delhi ,Delhi ,India Manufacturer, Exporter, OEM Company
HBLF Verified verified 3.9

Management & Company Details

A Bathroom may be the smallest room in the house but that does not mean that it cannot look swanky. A well done up bathroom is a true reflection of your personal taste and individual style. When it comes to luxurious bathroom products Speed Bath Tech has become a name to reckon with over the last 20 years. Being pioneers in Showers and Health Faucets Industry, Speed Bath Tech, is part of the 30 year old Marca Coroma Group. Armed with 3 decades of experience and an array of designs, Speed Bath Tech believes that the products should be both functional as well as aesthetically stunning. Speed Bath Tech, is among the very few 6 Sigma Certified Companies in the Bathroom Fittings Industry across the World. Also armed with ISO 9001:2015 Certification, Speed Bath Tech ensures perfection in every product which gives our end consumer an exhilarating experience in all faculties of Visual, Touch & Feel. Speed Bath Tech has more than 1 Lakh Square Feet of Production space at Bahadurgarh, Haryana along with sub units at Bawana & Nihal Vihar in Delhi. We generate employment both Directly & Indirectly for around 1300 individuals. A wholly Make In India initiative, we also feel for Society and in our own little way of giving back to Society, we have launched the Live Hygienic Campaign which is running through various Schools in Delhi NCR as a pilot project. The same will soon be reaching Schools, all across the country.

Company Name Navneet Bath Syste..more
Navneet Bath Systems
Business Category Manufacturer, Expo..more
Manufacturer, Exporter, OEM Company
Management System Certification Yes

Production Capacity

The important details of the supplier’s manufacturing unit and other details like production time, factory size, number of R&D staff etc. are displayed here. The entire process is shown to get a clear idea of the product processing with precision.

Factory Size 1, 00, 000|sq. ft
In-house Production Yes


This section display various photos of the company and factories for better under understanding of the company.

Factory Outside Image


Certificates/documents of the company are updated to showcase the legal legitimacy of the company. This creates a huge impact by way of what the company has accomplished by way of certifications etc.

MSME Certificate
ISO Certificate
Import Export Certific...
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